February 25, 2019
Learning when to say when – seeking help for family members with dementia
Having a close family member with dementia is … well, scary. The emotional toll it takes on the family is absolutely unimaginable. And understanding when it’s time to seek the help of a professional caregiver is just as important to the family as it is for their loved one.
Symptoms of dementia, especially in the beginning, can be confused simply as signs of old age. But the disease can lead to serious consequences for caregivers and their loved ones. Some signs of dementia include noticeable memory loss, difficulty with language or simple tasks, and pronounced confusion.
Additionally, patients who have dementia may experience personality changes or behave inappropriately. Their frustration may lead to anxiety or even depression. Patients with symptoms of dementia should immediately see their physicians as these symptoms may point to other ailments or diseases as well. It is important to pinpoint the cause.
After the initial diagnosis, family members may adjust their schedules to help provide care for their loved one. Over time, however, the illness may become more demanding and reveal the need for professional caregivers. There are several things you can do to make your loved one’s transition a smooth one.
Family members should begin speaking to their loved one about the possibility and benefits of moving to an assisted living facility. Share that someone will help them with daily chores and tasks as well as allow them more time to do the things they love. Explain that people will be available in case of emergency or to call family members when something is wrong.
And most importantly, remind your family member that you will continue visiting and offering your assistance as well.
At Summerfield, we invite families to bring their loved ones for a visit. We want to make sure we are the perfect fit and can provide for all their needs. Click here for more information on Memory Care at our local communities.